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Sunday 17 February 2019

How can you use STEM in your career?

Healthcare Information Technology - using STEM education for patient healthcare

For those of you out there looking to change careers or just enhance the career you are in, have you considered education in the realm of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math to help you achieve your dreams? I have used my STEM education to enter a career and do meaningful work in the field of health care information technology. My job journey in healthcare began with a practice management software company. Since then I have also spent time with a large health care organization serving the people of North Carolina. Most recently I am using my knowledge and experience to help bring low cost, high quality, network connectivity to rural health providers across the state. 

Although I am not clinically trained, neither a doctor nor a nurse, I am still able to help improve the health of our population through the sharing of patient clinical information, allowing the important clinical information to follow a patient to whatever provider they choose. Weather working with computer software geared toward the health industry or making internet connectivity available to providers in rural locations, my STEM education has allowed me to engage in activities that help others. The help is extremely indirect but is important none the less. 

Let me know in the comments below the ways you would like to change the world. What STEM subjects can help get you there?

This past week I spent some time at the Health Information Management System Society (HIMSS) annual conference where I was exposed to many information from both technology practitioners and vendors. The vendor area was 1/3 mile in length, the pictures below do not do it justice!

STEM Education science technology engineering math

STEM Education science technology engineering math
HIMSS Vendors

Vendors, although rightfully biased towards their products, are great sources of knowledge for what the market needs, as well as sources of jobs! Check out health care IT companies and discover the needs of the workforce and see how STEM can help you obtain employment in this exciting field. 

The theme of the conference was "Champions of Health" with a major focus on data interoperability. If you are uncertain where you want to put your effort, I highly recommend helping the cause of connecting rural health care providers in your locations to help with the continuity of care for patients in remote locations where healthcare is scarce. Basic, high quality internet is a need in these areas for the promotion of Tele-health and Tele-medicine services as well as for the sharing of basic patient information. You too can be a champion! 

On the lighter side...

While in Orlando, Florida for the HIMSS conference, I did make a point to visit Disney Springs one evening, specifically to go to the LEGO store! Below are a few images which I found impressive.

STEM Education science technology engineering math
LEGO Rey and BB-8

STEM Education science technology engineering math
LEGO Fire Breathing Dragon

STEM Education science technology engineering math
LEGO Cinderella

STEM Education science technology engineering math
LEGO Mural

STEM Education science technology engineering math

 Thank you for reading, see you again soon!

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